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Tips for completing Combat Mission: Afghanistan - Basic Missions # 003


Your next task is to conduct reconnaissance in the mountains surrounding the airport and destroy the enemy units you encounter. However, most likely, the opponent is only in one of these two places, and he is chosen randomly. First explore the place by walking along the road, and after a while turn into a narrow passage between the hills and turn south. Don't forget to use the best BWP-2 armored cannon. Save the game along the way as well - do this often, after each major battle.

Before doing this, it would be good to "take out" a person with binoculars from the "box", hide him behind the nearest pebble and use binoculars to observe the hill on which the steward's post is located. Directing combat vehicles at enemies is a bit risky, because, as I mentioned, the enemy is armed with grenade launchers and can quickly burn these vehicles. Instead, shoot your enemies with a sniper rifle with the support of the remaining soldiers (who were previously hiding among the rocks) and BWP-2, but slightly behind. After a victorious battle, load your men back into the car and head northwest.

When you reach the hill in front of the place, stop both your vehicles, that is, BWP-2 and BTR-70, and unload all the soldiers from them. Send them from BWP-2 to the rocks that are on the next hill. Quickly order them to hide there by selecting the appropriate order in the order menu. However, remember that a man with binoculars and soldiers with a radio station and a first-aid kit should not move forward too much, but stay behind the boulders a few steps back - they are your most valuable people!

A guy with binoculars should be watching the area in front of you to find out about the positions of the Mujahideen hiding there. You can line up the troops that came out of the second car in a row (you can find the appropriate order in the orders menu and start the battle from the right side, which, however, does not provide good protection from bullets. During the battle, approaching the enemy, approach both combat vehicles so that they provide support to the fighting Soviets. The enemy will put up fierce resistance, so your radio operator can call for reinforcements: howitzers or a Su-25 attack aircraft. If you are using howitzers, it is better to retreat a little so that your people do not accidentally get hurt. Gradually climb the mountain, eliminating the resistance on your way.

However, if you carefully approach the rocks with a group of soldiers, among whom fighters may be hiding, instead of a shootout, a message will appear on the screen stating that not a single soul has been encountered in this area. Then it's time to turn off and go to the point. https://mostbets-hu.com/
